Eating well can help protect against disease by providing essential nutrients, food energy and water to our bodies. In addition, eating healthily improves mood which in turn boosts physical activity levels.

Unhealthy diets are among the leading risk factors for disease worldwide, specifically noncommunicable conditions like cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and cancer. Eating well can support healthy development from infant to adulthood as well as help protect against malnutrition.

Dietary patterns

Diets vary depending on individual health needs and cultural preferences; available food supplies; economic factors and local availability of produce. Yet research demonstrates that eating a diversified, balanced and healthy diet has been associated with lower risks of noncommunicable diseases like heart disease and cancer.

A healthy dietary pattern involves eating foods and beverages rich in nutrition from all major food groups in appropriate amounts at regular intervals, in accordance with regional diets such as Mediterranean or DASH or through individual food-based guidelines designed to lower disease risks such as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) and Meals on Wheels nutrition interventions.

According to a joint analysis by the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Studies involving 75,230 women and 44,085 men from these studies, those who follow healthy eating patterns focusing on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy or lean meats were 20% less likely to die prematurely.

Eating unhealthy foods often leads to overeating, which increases the risk of obesity and chronic diseases. Poor diet also contributes to global malnutrition by creating undernourished children and adults globally; for this reason it’s vitally important that healthy eating habits begin at an early age.

Dietary patterns are the most effective means of encouraging healthy eating habits, particularly among the most marginalized populations – such as low-income communities and some racial/ethnic groups who may lack access to convenient sources of nutritious food.


A healthy diet must contain an assortment of essential nutrients. These include carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Carbohydrates provide energy for cells, tissues and organs and can be found in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes as sources. Unrefined grains and starchy vegetables offer more healthful options; such as fiber-rich unrefined grains contain essential vitamins and minerals while being lower calorie than sugary drinks and processed snacks.

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Proteins are essential building blocks of body tissues and muscles, and are also the basis of hormones, enzymes, and antibodies produced in our bodies. Since some proteins cannot be synthesized by our bodies themselves, they must come from food sources like fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, soy products and legumes for essential amino acid intake.

The main types of fats include saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids tend to be healthier alternatives than saturated ones as they may help lower cholesterol levels, reduce heart disease risk and assist with weight management. Dietary fats such as olive oil, avocados and nuts contain these types of dietary fats.

Nutrition is vital throughout one’s lifetime. A nutritious eating pattern can help children grow and develop normally while decreasing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Older adults may require additional nutrients due to reduced physical activity, metabolism changes or medications use; thus CDC works hard to increase access to healthier foods and beverages in schools, early care and education facilities, workplaces and communities – supporting breastfeeding while encouraging consumption of fruits and vegetables which contain vitamin A among other essential vitamins.


Carbs provide energy to the cells of our bodies in many different forms, including glucose for immediate use or storage as glycogen in liver and muscles, or converted to fatty acids to store as fat – one gram of carbs yields four calories of energy!

Carbs can be found in many foods and beverages, including fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products. They may also be added to processed food like bakery items, candy bars and soda. Paige Smathers of University of Utah Health Care System told BBC that carbohydrates give people energy they need to function and do daily activities.

Some carbohydrates — like those found in fruit and milk products — contain vitamins, minerals and fiber that support digestive health, according to UK’s National Health Service. Others — like starches found in whole grains, beans or cooked dried peas and lentils — offer slow-release energy to maintain stable blood sugar levels within your body.

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Complex carbohydrates consist of chains of sugar molecules bonded together into long chains that release energy slowly over time. Monosaccharides include fructose (found in fruit), sucrose (table sugar) and lactose (milk sugar); while polysaccharides include longer sugar chains like hexoses/deoxyriboses found in DNA/RNA molecules as well as shellfish/plant chitin chitin.

Consume carbohydrates from healthy sources, like unprocessed whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and cooked beans and peas. A diet high in carbohydrates will be more likely to promote good health while leading to weight loss compared to one low in carbohydrates which could cause fatigue as well as symptoms associated with nutritional deficiencies like constipation, slow digestion and vitamin deficiencies.


Fats are an invaluable energy source, offering nine calories per gram eaten – more than double those found in proteins (4kcal/gram) or carbohydrates (fourkcal/gram). Fats play an integral part in body functions such as building cell membranes, nerve tissue and hormone production while providing energy during exercise sessions. Fat cells store any surplus energy until needed again during physical activity or times of food shortage – with release occurring during such times as physical exertion or when supplies run low.

Diets rich in healthy fats help support intestinal barrier integrity, an integral component of gut health and nutrient absorption. Eating these healthy fats has also been linked to reduced cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improved heart disease risk and less inflammation.

Though all fats are essential, not all are created equally. It is best to prioritize foods containing healthy fats over those containing unhealthy ones (such as saturated or trans fats).

Unsaturated fats – those containing one or more double bonds – are considered healthy fats and are usually found in plant sources, including nuts, seeds, olive, canola and safflower oils. Unsaturated fats have been known to reduce disease risks in moderation; their consumption should therefore be encouraged in moderation.

Bad fats include saturated and trans – those containing more than two double bonds – found primarily in animal-based foods, like fatty cuts of meat, butter and full-fat dairy products. Saturated fats increase heart disease risk and should be replaced with healthier unsaturated plant-based oils as much as possible; replacing saturated with unsaturated plant oils from meat, skinless poultry, whole grains, fruits and vegetables to increase intake of healthier unsaturated fatty acids will give our bodies more nutritious fats to benefit from.

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Proteins are vitally important to human life as they form the building blocks for each cell in your body, as well as aiding muscle growth and providing energy by breaking down other proteins to release amino acids into your bloodstream, fuelling your system.

Diet is one of the primary sources of protein. A healthy diet should contain many sources of this essential nutrient, including lean meats, fish, beans (like peas, lentils and garbanzo beans), nuts seeds and dairy products like milk yogurt cheese. Be sure to incorporate these foods in each of your meals throughout the day for maximum benefits of protein consumption.

Opting for a diet rich in plant proteins such as beans, soy foods, nuts, fish and poultry instead of red and processed meat can reduce your risk for heart disease, cancer and premature death. Studies show that it is the type of amino acid pattern within each protein source that brings benefits more so than simply its quantity in total.

Amino acid patterns within proteins determine their completeness; animal-sourced proteins like beef and pork contain all the essential amino acids your body cannot produce on its own, while plant proteins often lack one or more essential amino acids; eating plant proteins alongside some animal protein at each meal ensures you’re receiving complete, high-quality nutrition – this practice is known as eating “high-quality” proteins.