Germs (also called microbes) can be found everywhere – the air; on food, plants and animals; soil, water and on your skin. Most often they do not cause infections.

Keep yourself safe from infection by practicing good hygiene. Regularly washing hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing and using tissues are all great ways to protect yourself against infections.


Chickenpox is caused by the varicella zoster virus and spread from person to person through droplets released after coughing or sneezing, by direct contact with someone infected, or through direct skin lesions. But don’t despair: chickenpox vaccination provides protection. Vaccination introduces weakened virus particles into your immune system to build immunity against them and shield against disease; all children, adolescents and adults who don’t yet possess immunity should get one; this applies especially for pregnant women who could face potentially serious complications due to complications caused by complications from chickenpox infection.

Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are infectious organisms that enter the body through our pores to take over cells for their own reproduction. Although bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are among the primary causes of infection and illness, with treatment most people recover without serious complication; severe complications are more likely to affect those with compromised immune systems but can affect healthy individuals as well.

Vaccinations and safe food handling practices offer the most reliable defenses against many infectious diseases. Vaccines train your immune system to recognize and fight harmful invaders, as well as protecting you against serious illnesses like diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. While certain vaccines are administered only to young children or recommended only as appropriate based on individual health histories or risks exposure may pose.

Many infectious organisms can survive for several minutes to months on surfaces, increasing your risk of exposure. To mitigate that risk, wash your hands regularly with soap and water – particularly before handling food, eating it yourself, using the bathroom or handling animal feces or soil that might contain pathogens – especially before touching items in your home or office that you frequently touch, such as bathroom fixtures and doorknobs, before touching animal feces or soil that contains animal droppings, when coughing or sneezing to cover both mouth and nose when coughing/sneezing, then use tissue paper to wipe away droplets that land onto other people’s surfaces – these simple precautionary steps could save lives!

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Certain infections cannot be cured with antibiotics, including herpes B virus and poxviruses such as chickenpox and shingles; however, many can and are treated. A flu vaccination may help avoid serious flu symptoms; antibiotics treat pneumonia, ear infections and strep throat among many others.


Infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites and can range in severity depending on what strain of infection it is caused by. While some infections cause serious illness, others do not. You can catch an infectious disease from other people or contaminated food, water or soil; your immune system usually fights off these pathogens but bacteria continue to evolve and find new ways of breaking through to infiltrate our systems.

Many infectious diseases can be prevented with vaccines and proper hygiene practices. Wash your hands often when preparing and eating food, using the bathroom, coming into contact with animal or human waste or working with dirt; cover coughs and sneezes when coughing/sneezing or using respiratory etiquette and avoid crowds when possible; consult a healthcare professional if concerned about immunity levels; for best results speak directly to them about it.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious condition affecting the lungs and airways, typically manifesting itself with mild-to-moderate respiratory illness before recovering without medical assistance; however, some individuals will become severely ill enough to require hospitalisation – these individuals include young children, the elderly and those with weak immune systems – but most won’t require medication in order to be healthy again.

As with other respiratory illnesses, the best way to protect against COVID-19 and other viral infections is through good hand hygiene practices. This should include regular handwashing with soap and warm water and using alcohol-based rubs/gels (hand sanitiser) when possible; otherwise it should be done prior to food preparation/eating/using the toilet as well as before touching personal items belonging to those sick with viral infections.

Other measures you can take to help control this outbreak include staying informed on COVID-19 by following local and national public health agencies as well as visiting the World Health Organisation website regularly. Avoiding overcrowded public spaces and close contact with those who are sick can help protect against influenza and COVID-19 infections. Vaccination is also extremely important, particularly among individuals at increased risk of illness from infectious diseases like measles, mumps and meningococcal disease – including infants and young children, older people, Aboriginal communities and those whose immune systems have been compromised due to cancer treatments, HIV or chronic illnesses like diabetes.

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Dengue fever is a debilitating mosquito-borne virus spread by infected Aedes mosquitoes, but there is currently no known treatment or vaccine available to protect yourself and your family against this illness. There are however, preventive steps you can take in order to limit its impact.

Step one in protecting against dengue is avoiding mosquito bites. Mosquitoes that spread dengue fever tend to bite during both day and night hours, so when venturing out in areas posing high dengue risk it is wise to wear long sleeves and pants as well as using an insect repellent with DEET in accordance with product labels as certain products contain too much DEET which could prove hazardous if overused.

Create a mosquito-free environment to defend against dengue. Do this by eliminating stagnant water that attracts mosquitoes, regularly cleaning and maintaining your yard, installing window and door screens without holes, as well as sleeping indoors under a mosquito net.

Home remedies that help repel mosquitoes may also provide protection. You can create a spray using natural ingredients such as lavender, basil and rosemary that have proven their repelling powers; adding cinnamon has further proven its repelling potential. However, these methods should only be used alongside professional pest prevention services to provide maximum effectiveness.

If you have already been exposed to dengue, it is vitally important that you remain at home and self-isolate until all symptoms subside. Furthermore, avoid all physical contact and make sure your hands are washed often; cover coughs and sneezes with tissues before coughing/sneezing into them; disinfect surfaces frequently encountered with an EPA approved disinfectant (like rubbing alcohol) when possible.

One way you can protect yourself from infectious diseases is to avoid mosquitoes, wash your hands frequently and store your food in the fridge. Furthermore, keeping up-to-date with vaccinations is also key – particularly if traveling abroad or visiting countries that have an increased prevalence of infectious diseases.

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Take steps to protect yourself against common infectious diseases with vaccinations or other preventive practices that help you lower the risk of infection, while simultaneously helping others from spreading germs to themselves.

Clean your hands frequently – especially before and after handling food or eating, using the bathroom and touching animals or dirt – using soap when available and an alcohol-based hand sanitizer otherwise. Cover coughs and sneezes with tissue or your elbow rather than touching them directly while covering cuts or scratches on your skin with bandages when possible. Also avoid contact with people exhibiting feverish symptoms of Ebola virus disease (EVD), such as feverishness or eye and mouth infection symptoms by not touching their faces, eyes or mouth.

Ebola is a serious, often deadly infection caused by infection with one of several strains of the Ebola virus. Transmission typically involves direct contact with blood or body fluids of those sick with or deceased from Ebola virus Disease (EVD), fruit bats or nonhuman primates infected by it, or through objects like clothes bedding needles which have become contaminated with the virus; semen from recovering men should also be avoided until we are sure that all virus has left their bodies.

Adopting strict hygiene is the cornerstone of Ebola prevention and other viruses that threaten human health. Be sure to regularly wash your hands with warm water and soap or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after handling feces or contaminated items, before eating or preparing food or shaking someone’s hand, and after shaking someone else’s. Only travel into areas where Ebola virus transmission is occurring when absolutely necessary; if fever develops with symptoms associated with Ebola infection call your health care provider immediately.

Most infections can be avoided through vaccinations, safe food handling practices and good personal hygiene – practices which should be adhered to even if an outbreak of a specific disease does not exist in your location or work environment.