Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in maintaining body function. Most individuals can obtain all their necessary vitamins by eating a well-rounded diet.

Minerals play an essential role in bone and tooth formation, energy release from food sources, blood clotting processes, as well as other processes. There are two categories of minerals: major (macrominerals) and trace minerals.


Vitamins are organic substances the body requires in small doses to function optimally, from fighting infections and aiding wound healing, converting food to energy, remineralizing bones and teeth and even helping fight off chronic health conditions. Without vitamins, the body could experience chronic health problems that impede its operations or even become severely disabled.

People can only obtain vitamins through eating healthily. There are 13 essential vitamins needed for good health – A, B, C, D, E and K – which must be included in our daily diet to achieve good health. Most people can easily meet their vitamin needs through eating healthfully; deficiencies are rare. If a person suffers from certain medical conditions however, additional supplementation might be required.

Vitamins can be found in food sources like fruit, vegetables and dairy products. Heat and air exposure can reduce vitamin content; eating raw or minimally cooked food to get maximum vitamin benefit is best practice. Vitamin content is measured in micrograms; one milligram equals 1,000 micrograms.

Minerals are inorganic elements found in nature that are taken up by plants and animals from the ground and used to form essential proteins and compounds for survival. There are both major minerals (calcium, chromium, copper etc), trace minerals such as fluoride, iodine selenium zinc), as well as major and trace quantities needed by organisms from lower quantities – this includes calcium chromium copper iron magnesium manganese molybdenum potassium etc. Examples of major minerals are calcium, chromium copper iron magnesium manganese molybdenum molybdenum while trace minerals include fluoride iodine selenium zinc etc.

While both vitamins and minerals are necessary for human life, their respective functions vary widely in the body. Vitamins are organic compounds which are susceptible to breakdown from heat, air or acid; on the other hand minerals retain their chemical structure over time. The National Academy of Medicine (formerly Institute of Medicine) establishes guidelines known as Dietary Reference Intakes or DRIs which outline what adults, children and infants require from vitamins and minerals in their daily diet in order to function optimally.

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Minerals are inorganic elements found naturally in soil and water that form naturally over time, slowly passing from plants to animals via absorption from food sources such as plants. Animals then consume these minerals through diet; unlike vitamins, however, minerals cannot be produced within our bodies and must come from our food supply instead. They offer unique health benefits including maintaining fluid balance, bone density maintenance and transmitting electrical impulses between cells.

The body requires 15 essential minerals in order to function optimally, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chloride potassium and sulfur (the major minerals). Other essential elements include iron copper zinc iodine selenium chromium manganese molybdenum which are known as trace minerals as they are required in much smaller amounts than major minerals and play key roles in immune system health, connective tissue development thyroid regulation clotting metabolism.

Deficiencies of minerals are rare as most people consume enough in their daily diets. However, certain groups may be at greater risk for mineral deficiency; such as those living with chronic illnesses, older adults and vegetarians and vegans. Supplementing liquid minerals is one way to ensure adequate levels of these vital nutrients are consumed, but taking an indiscriminate approach could negatively impact other supplements that interact with one another and could negatively alter one another’s effectiveness.

Most people obtain their minerals through diet. This may involve eating an assortment of animal and plant-based products like meat, fish and dairy as well as grains, legumes and vegetables. Liquid minerals provide an easy way for people to supplement their daily diets with essential minerals without risking mineral imbalances.

Contrasting with vitamins, which are organic substances produced by living things such as carrots and tomatoes producing vitamin A, minerals are inorganic elements found in earth and rock and taken up through our digestive tracts. Minerals also tend to be more stable than vitamins, and can be found in many different food products.

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The body relying on electrolytes – chemicals that conduct electricity when dissolved in water — to regulate nerve and muscle function, hydrate the body, balance blood acidity and pressure and transport hormones. The main electrolytes found within are sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium which dissolve in water to form positive and negative ions that conduct electricity when exposed to an electric field; when individuals lose too much fluid due to dehydration it may lead to serious consequences such as kidney failure and brain damage.

Potassium is one of the body’s essential minerals, playing an essential role in nerve function and muscle contractions as well as helping maintain an ideal equilibrium between its compartments of water and electrolytes. When an over-hydrated compartment contains too many electrolytes, potassium will move electrolytes into it through osmosis in order to remove excess fluid (called “flushing out”).

As we sweat, electrolytes are released through our skin. Over time this loss of electrolytes can lead to dehydration, particularly if exercising for long periods or living in hot environments. Therefore, athletes must ensure that enough fluids are consumed during workouts as well as eating foods rich in electrolytes before and after their sessions in order to stay hydrated and prevent dehydration.

Electrolyte imbalance can also result from vomiting and diarrhea, which cause fluid loss rapidly. Electrolyte levels may become disrupted if taking specific drugs such as diuretics and steroids, leading to rapid fluctuation of electrolytes levels.

Vitamins and minerals play a critical role in maintaining optimal functioning across all areas of our bodies, from immune function to cardiovascular health. Vitamin intake is required for growth, development and cell metabolism – vitamins can be found in many foods such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meats and whole grains; A, D, E & K vitamins may be stored as fat-soluble vitamins while other water-soluble varieties must be consumed regularly for maximum effectiveness.

Diet is the primary way to acquire vitamins and minerals, including A, D and E vitamins which can be found in meats, fish, poultry eggs leafy green vegetables dairy products nuts while minerals can be obtained in fish nuts milk yogurt fortified cereals whole grains dark chocolate dried fruit etc.

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Diet is the primary source of vitamins and minerals. Most often these nutrients can be found in meat, fish, vegetables and grains; to get all their nutrition through diet alone is ideal; otherwise supplements may be necessary.

Vitamins and minerals are necessary in small amounts for proper body functioning. Vitamin sources come from plants and animals while minerals come from soil or water and are then taken up by organisms who consume them. Most people can meet their requirements through eating healthily; however some individuals may be more vulnerable to deficiencies.

Water-soluble vitamins (C and the B-complex vitamins) do not accumulate in the body, instead quickly leaving via urine production and then blood circulation. Therefore, daily replenishment is required for these essential dietary components.

Fat-soluble vitamins, which can be stored by the body and used to protect cells against oxidation; help form red blood cells and cholesterol; promote healthy skin and hair; as well as helping form red blood cells and cholesterol. A great source of these fat-soluble vitamins includes liver, poultry, avocados, nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables tomatoes whole grains and egg yolks.

Minerals are inorganic elements found throughout the earth that are consumed by plants, animals and people alike. Common examples of minerals include sodium, chloride and potassium; calcium phosphorus magnesium iron zinc with other important ones including sulfur copper manganese being in the mix too.

Mineral needs of individuals are determined annually by a nutrient panel created by the United States Department of Agriculture and Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Each substance on this nutrient panel has been assigned an RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance).

Dietary Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is the average daily requirement of vitamins and minerals in the United States for most people based on available evidence of deficiency or toxicity for over 40 vitamins and minerals.