Debunking health myths isn’t easy. Some, like the belief that morning sickness indicates female pregnancy or that sitting too closely to the television will damage eyesight, have deep-seated roots in society. This study explored the persuasive effects of debunking messages both with and without images on recipients’ beliefs, behavior and feelings regarding four health myths. Analysis using an ANCOVA revealed that debunking messages with higher credibility produced stronger corrective effects. Spicy Food Causes Ulcers For decades, spicy foods like peppers and curry were thought to cause stomach ulcers, leading many to double over in pain after indulging. Unfortunately, this theory has since been disproved as it was shown that stress, not food consumption caused ulcers. Gastritic ulcers are caused by infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, reduced gastric mucosal blood flow, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Advil, smoking and chronic stress – factors which increase acid production within the stomach, leading to acid secretion that irritates and damages its lining causing further irritation or injury to its lining of either stomach or duodenum linings. Foods such as spicy peppers and curry may exacerbate a stomach ulcer in certain individuals due to their capsaicin content, which irritates an already inflamed lining of the stomach, producing a burning sensation and increasing pain. Some individuals with stomach ulcers may also find that some tomatoes and citrus fruits worsen symptoms such as pain, discomfort or indigestion. Although certain foods may aggravate ulcer symptoms in some individuals, others are completely free from digestive discomfort after eating spicy food. Spicy food does not increase the risk of stomach or digestive ulcers in any way and in fact could even help prevent them slightly. To determine whether spicy foods will exacerbate your ulcer symptoms, the best way is to experiment and observe how they make you feel. If no adverse reactions arise from such food choices, gradually introduce more spicy items back into your diet. READ Exploring the Link Between Stress and HealthFoods which may help soothe ulcers include: Drinking Coffee Dehydrates You Many people believe that coffee dehydrates them, an idea dating back to 1928 when a study indicated such effects. According to this theory, caffeine-containing beverages caused participants in this 1928 study to urinate 50% more frequently than their peers who didn’t drink such beverages; however, dehydration doesn’t result solely from frequent urination; rather it occurs from both losing fluid from urine loss as well as not replacing lost hydration by drinking sufficient fluids during times of increased need to pee. Although caffeine can trigger increased need to pee, studies have consistently demonstrated that drinking moderate quantities does not hinder overall hydration levels despite any needing need for peeing; studies have consistently proven moderate coffee does not interfere with normal hydration levels in any significant way! Coffee contains plenty of water, which helps to counteract its diuretic effects. Furthermore, as you become an avid coffee consumer, your body will build tolerance to caffeine and start experiencing less of its diuretic effects. However, some varieties of coffee contain higher caffeine concentrations than others; these may be more likely to dehydrate than others. Your choice of beverages (black, iced etc) can impact how much caffeine you take in. Though coffee may make you pee more often, our experts all agree that its consumption alone should not lead to dehydration if limited to four to five cups daily. Furthermore, pairing your caffeine consumption with physical exercise may actually enhance performance and prevent fatigue. DripDrop ORS provides an ideal, healthy alternative to your daily cup of joe. Not only can it help limit caffeine intake, but its combination of vitamins, medically relevant electrolytes and potassium provides ongoing hydration throughout the day – plus its portable nature means it’s ideal for when you’re on-the-go hydration needs arise! READ The Impact of Urban Living on HealthWet Hair Will Make You Sick One of the more widespread old wives’ tales is that going outside with wet hair will make you sick. Most people likely heard this advice from their mothers or grandmothers when growing up, but this myth simply isn’t true: rather it is due to viral symptoms causing symptoms in people rather than weather causing illness; such is likely why colds and flu are more likely in winter due to being in close proximity and indoors more frequently. Bacteria and fungus thrive in warm, moist environments such as those found within folds of our bodies; that’s why conditions like athlete’s foot, diaper rash and other fungal infections form. Wet hair may not provide ideal conditions for these microorganisms to thrive in; however they still pose risks to scalp health via dandruff or yeast infections; excessive moisture can lead to itchy and flaky patches due to dry skin conditions caused by itchy scalp conditions caused by bacteria or fungus growth on other parts of our bodies. Wet hair may make the cold more unpleasant, but it won’t actually make you sick. In order to develop a cold virus infection, bodily fluids like saliva or mucus must come into contact with it; wet hair does not increase its chances of transmission. However, wet hair can lead to fungal infection on the scalp if left damp during sleep. This is because bacteria and fungus thrive in damp environments like this one, leaving you more susceptible to infection while sleeping. Therefore, drying it prior to going to bed each night should be considered important to protect yourself against potential infection risks. An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away Have you heard the old English proverb: ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away?’ While this may not exactly apply to every situation, eating healthfully can reduce your need to visit medical professionals as often. READ The Relationship Between Noise Pollution and HealthAscertaining whether this statement is true for yourself requires either consulting your physician or conducting online research. A recent study analyzed diet survey data of over 8,000 adults, comparing doctor visits, overnight hospital stays and prescription medicine use between those who ate at least one apple per day as either whole food or as part of another food with those who did not; results revealed that apples-eaters did not visit their physician more often but did need less medication than non-apple eaters. Apples may be popular because they contain low levels of sodium while providing plenty of essential fiber, vitamin C and other essential nutrients. Furthermore, their phytochemical content has been linked with lower risks of cancer, heart disease and diabetes as well as more. Studies have also demonstrated that eating apples can help to regulate cholesterol levels and decrease LDL, or “bad”, levels in your bloodstream, which is especially significant given that high amounts of LDL can clog arteries and lead to heart disease. No matter what scientific evidence may show, some myths have persisted for centuries. Many involve women’s health or motherhood/pregnancy/childbearing topics; often passed down from older generations through female family members or friends. Shaye from Wisconsin provided our inspiration for today’s WONDER. Thanks so much for WONDERing with us, Shaye! 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